worship Services

You are always welcome to join us for worship at Trinity, whether it's online or in-person.

The Nursery is staffed and available during both Sunday worship services  for children 3 years old and under.

Sunday Worship Services

Sundays, 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel

Sundays, 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary

View online on YouTube

Both of our services are live streamed each week.

Please visit the Bulletin page for current worship bulletins.

celtic service

Take a moment ...


When was the last time you felt God's presence?

Experience the Holy at our monthly Celtic Evensong. With both quiet moments of reflection and contemplative music, experience God in a new way. 

God is waiting. All are welcome.

Celtic Evensong

Last Sunday of the Month at 5 p.m. on Facebook and YouTube