
One of the many ways to get involved in the life of the church is to volunteer with one of our ministry areas. Below is a listing of these opportunities and the contact person (with linked e-mail addresses). The contact person can give you more information about the work that needs to be done. We pray you find something that fits your gifts and calling. If you don't see something on this page, please visit our Missions, Music and Serving Others pages or speak with one of the pastors. All areas within the church would like to welcome you to their ministries.

  • Altar Guild

    Stephanie Grunenfelder

    The Altar Guild and Worship Commitee is always looking for new members to work as: Communion Stewards, Greeters, Ushers, help with flowers, etc. Contact Stephanie and she will help you find the right area for you and connect you with the appropriate coordinator.

  • Buildings & Grounds

    Wayne Detwiler

    Always looking for volunteers for minor repairs and painting.

  • Children's Ministry

    Laurie Strollo

    Our Education ministry is always looking for more volunteers to teach and assist in classrooms. If you are interested in teaching children please contact Laurie and she will help you get started.

  • Christ House

    Connie Jeremiah

    Volunteers are needed to shop for the food and prepare and serve a meal at Christ House on the third Saturday of the month.

    The mission of Christ House is to provide comprehensive and compassionate health care to sick, homeless persons in the District of Columbia, and to assist them in addressing critical issues to help break the cycle of homelessness.

  • Emergency Drivers

    Contact the church office to volunteer. Occasionally, we have members who need a ride to and from a medical appointment.

  • Fellowship Hosts


    Fellowship hosts provide snacks during Fellowship following the Sunday morning worship services. Please consider signing up for a week.

  • Office Help

    Harriet Latta

    Office helpers are needed periodically throughout the year. Tasks can be as simple as answering the phone. Sometimes we also have more challenging needs such as data entry, filing and photocopying. If you have a few hours you'd like to spend in the church office, please contact Harriet.

  • Ushers

    Sign-up Here

    Not to worry if you've never greeted and ushered before. It's easy! We ask you arrive at 10:15 a.m. on the Sundays you've volunteered, greet people and hand out bulletins, complete the count sheet, and then assist with the offering by making sure the plates are passed from aisle to aisle. We will need two people to usher each Sunday, but that shouldn't stop anyone from signing up. We can always find an extra person if needed! Click on the sign-up above to volunteer.

  • Youth Ministry

    Catherine Wethington

    Interested in volunteering with our youth? Adult volunteers are always needed for various youth activities: weekly meetings, special outings, service projects and trips. Contact Catherine to learn more about how you can be a part of this exciting ministry.