Children's Ministry

The following opportunities are available for children birth – 6th grade.

Children's Registration 2024-25


Sundays for 0-3 years during both 8:30 and 10:30 services


Children’s Folders

These folders are available for children’s use while in the sanctuary. The folders are color-coded according to reading ability: non-readers, beginning readers, elementary readers, and advanced readers. Each folder contains a clipboard, a Bible storybook, plain paper, a couple of Biblical coloring or activity papers, pencils, and crayons or coloring pencils. The folders for the younger children also have lacing cards, while the better readers have a copy of the Lord’s Prayer so they can participate when everyone prays.


Children’s Worship: 4 years – 4th grade

Sundays during 10:30 service


After the Children’s Moment with the pastor, children leave with the leaders for their own worship and learning experience in the lower level of the fellowship building. We begin with circle time around our worship table, lighting the candles, talking about them and other special parts of worship and receiving their offering for our mission project. Each child has the opportunity to share something special about their week and we join together in a prayer. Then it is story time. We are using many different children’s books as well as Biblical stories so we can learn more about following Jesus. After the story time the candles are extinguished, and we move to tables for activity sheets, crafts or games that expand on the lesson until parents collect their children following the service.


Club 56         

Sundays during 10:30 worship service only

This is the class for 5th and 6th graders. They also leave with leaders following the children’s moment. They meet in upper level of the Fellowship Building. Each week the Biblically-based lesson is focused on helping the children grow in their faith and their understanding of God’s story. Their mission projects are designed to give them opportunities to be in service to others.



For questions about Children’s Ministry please contact our Director of Children’s Ministry, Laurie Strollo at

    Children's Sunday School

    Thank you to all who made videos for the 2020-21 Sunday School year.