Archives: 2023
Bulletins are grouped by sermon series.
Bulletins & Sermon Series
Archives: 2023
Bulletins are grouped by sermon series.
A New Day is Dawning (Advent 2023)
Advent is a season for anticipation and Christmas is a season for celebration. As we anticipate and celebrate Jesus' birth, we also anticipate and celebrate Jesus coming into our lives. Even on the most difficult days and in the darkest of seasons, this is Good News: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." (John 1:5) Join us for worship every week as we discover that, with the coming of Jesus, A New Day is Dawning.
December 3: Wake Up
December 10: Lessons & Carols 8:30, 10:30
December 17: Hope for the Best
December 24: Great Expectations
Christmas Eve, 5 p.m. Family Service
Christmas Eve, 8 & 11 p.m.: The Waiting is Over
December 31: A New Year is Dawning
Celtic Service 2023
The Celtic Service is on Facebook & Youtube on the last Sunday of the month at 5 p.m. (with occasional exceptions).
December 17: A Celtic Service of Hope and Peace
Non-Series Sundays 2023
January 1: The Other Gift of the Magi
February 19: Are You Listening?
Easter Sunrise, April 9: Fear and Joy, Seeing and Believing
June 11: Here I Am
August 27: The Life-Long Learner
September 3: What We Need to Wrestle With
October 15: Keep Your Hope
November 26: We Want a King
Generous God; Generous People
October 29: Generosity is an Act of Worship
November 5: Generosity Puts First Things First
November 12: Generosity Matters to God
November 19: Generosity Changes the World
This We Believe
Our Fall 2023 sermon series is called This We Believe. It’s based on The Apostles’ Creed, one of the most familiar statements of what Christian’s believe. It will be an opportunity for all of us, long-time believers and newcomers to Christian faith, to explore what we believe and why it’s so important. If you know someone who has questions about what it means to be a Christian, invite them to join us as we learn about our faith together.
September 10: I Believe in God
September 17: I Believe in Jesus Christ
September 24: I Believe in the Holy Spirit
October 1: I Believe in the Church and the Communion of Saints
October 8: The Forgivness of Sins
October 22: The Resurrection of the Body
Joseph: Dreaming God's Dreams
Our 2023 summer sermon series is called, Joseph: Dreaming God’s Dreams. Join us as we learn about Joseph, the Old Testament character whose story is found in Genesis 37-50. It’s an amazing story of how God works in human lives, despite the faults and failures of the human family. Through these sermons, we’ll discover that Joseph experiences highs and lows, great success and trials and tribulations—just like we do—and that in the midst of it all, God was with him and used Joseph to do great good. Invite a friend to worship as we dream God’s dreams together and learn lessons for our own lives from the life of Joseph.
July 9: What Kind of Dream is This?
July 16: Truth and Consequences
July 23: The One Who Knows Me
July 30: The Gift of Discernment
August 6: The Power of Sacrificial Love
August 13: Choosing Reconciliation, Not Retaliation
August 20: The Wonder of What God Can Do
Three Simple Rules
In the mid-1800’s John Wesley established General Rules for the members of the Methodist Society. Wesley’s General rules have been a guide for faithful discipleship for Methodists for more than 280 years and are still relevant in our 21stcentury world. In this series, we’ll look at these Three Simple Rules and consider what they mean for us today.
June 18: Do No Harm
June 25: Do Good
July 2: Stay in Love with God
This is God's Church
The overriding theme will be that the Church is God’s idea, that This is God’s Church, and that the Bible, particularly The Acts of the Apostles, has a lot of important things to say about God’s Church. Over the next three weeks, we’ll take a closer look at the first two chapters of Acts and see if we can discover what God has in mind for God’s Church in the 21st century world.
May 21: This is God's Church: Act(s) I
May 28: This is God's Church: Act(s) II
June 4: This is God's Church Act(s) 2.5
You and Me: Nurturing the Relationships that Matter Most
Our lives are lived in the middle of intersecting circles of relationships: with God, with friends and neighbors, with colleagues and co-workers, with spouses and significant others, and with parents and children. These relationships are a gift from God and the source of many blessings in our lives. But they are also the source of much pain — though conflict, disappointment and hurt feelings. Starting on April 16, we’ll look at what the Bible says about these relationships. We’ll discover how our relationship with God affects our human relationships and what we can do to strengthen the most important relationships in our lives. Focusing on our own lives (what we can control, not on our desire to change others) we’ll learn how to be better children of God, better friends, better workers, better spouses/partners, and better parents or children.
April 16: The Ripple Effect
April 23: Friends and Neighbors
April 30: A Servant's Heart
May 7: A Three-Fold Cord
May 14: Family Values
Final Words from the Cross
This series and Lent study will focus on Jesus’ dying hours and his final words as the Gospel writers recorded them. We’ll consider the people who were present as Jesus was dying, reflect on his final statements, and try to understand what they mean for our lives today. Final Words from the Cross by Adam Hamilton will be the text for the Lent Study.
February 26: "Father, Forgive Them . . ."
March 5: "Today, You Will Be With Me in Paradise."
March 12: "Behold Your Son"
March 19: "My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?"
March 26: "I Thirst"
April 2: "It Is Finished." "Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit."
Holy Thursday, April 6: It Could Have Been Me | hymns
Good Friday, April 7: The Passion of Jesus Christ
April 9: A Day of New Beginnings
Who Is this Man?
January 8: The Man and His Message
January 15: An Unlikely Bunch of Disciples
January 22: He Taught Them in Parables
January 29: A Servant Leader
February 5: The Enemies He Made
February 12: 24 Hours That Changed the World