Trinity News

For current News & Status, please visit the COVID-19 page, found here.

Check out the latest print edition of The Spire, Trinity's monthly community newsletter. Be sure to look at the full electronic version as well; it contains more information. Send us a note at to receive The Spire by email or sign-up here.

See this week's worship bulletin

Text Message Reminders from Trinity UMC

Sign Up Today!

Trinity United Methodist Church will now offer text message reminders. We will be using a free platform (Remind) to send these messages. While designed for schools, this is a platform that is free for nonprofits. When you use the instructions or links below you will be sent an automatic confirmation text asking if you are a Parent, Student or Teacher. Please respond with P for parent.

There are two options for signing-up to opt-in:

1) Text the number 81010 with the following message:

Message code



Pastor Jim’s Bible Study


Pastor Eileen’s class


Children's Education


Confirmation class



Event Reminders

NLI Updates




Trinity Trebles


Youth Group

2) You can also use a link to sign-up:, for example:



The Spire Archives (print edition)

February 2020

January 2020